Sunday, October 2, 2016

Shooting Star Sunday: 50k

Hey y'all! We're back with another Shooting Star Sunday! Today we've got 50k from Different Dimension! This is a deep navy linear holo with what looks like just a sprinkle of purple and holographic microglitter. It is everything I have come to love from my Different Dimension holos. Super creamy and super opaque. Ladies and Gents, this is a one coater. Now, I prefer to do at least two coats for better depth of color, so shown below is two coats with a glossy top coat.

Indoors with daylight bulbs
Indoors with daylight bulbs
Indoors with daylight bulbs
I also have some sunlight shots! Well, dusk shots. The sun was totally going down when I was taking pictures of these, but I managed to get some direct sunlight on the nails. 

Direct sunlight at dusk
Direct sunlight at dusk
50k was a Shooting Star limited edition originally released on October 30th, 2015, so it's unfortunately no longer available. However, you might be able to find someone willing to part with theirs. If you do I totally suggest snagging it. It's a deep and beautiful navy holo that totally reminds me of the night sky. What do you think of this polish? Let me know in the comments!

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