Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Elevation Polish: SBP - The Star Flower

Today I have an Elevation Polish for you. I had hoped to have this up last week so that you could see it before having another shot, butttttt USPS dropped the ball again and my package was lost for a few. *cue rage* So, I'm sorry for that. Between it being late and my week being super busy that just didn't happen. This is no longer available, but Lulu might make it part of a collection in the future. So there's hope for that (let's hope she does, it's beautiful).

Elevation Polish - SPB: The Star Flower

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Fair Maiden: Fierce, Fabulous, & Fearless

Today I have three custom polishes for Fair Maiden's facebook group, Fair Maidens: Fierce & Fabulous! I debated posting these because they aren't readily available to the public, but I decided to go ahead and post them anyway because they're so beautiful they need to be shared.

Fierce, Fabulous, & Fearless

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Different Dimension: Mystery Villain #2

I honestly wanted to have this up yesterday afternoon, but to be perfectly honest I've been so exhausted this week that I just passed out and took a three hour nap. And it was glorious. 

So, onward then. With the release of Mystery Villain #3 this week today we're revealing Different Dimension Mystery Villain #2, Lady Tremaine.

Different Dimension - Lady Tremaine (Mystery Villain #2)
Lady Tremaine is a silver based polish with dark blue flakies, holographic micro glitter, and pink shimmer. The formula is a bit on the thick side but I found no problems with application. Opacity can be achieved in two coats, but I did three because three coats is my comfort zone. It does dry a bit gritty and needs either a vary generous coating of top coat or two layers depending on your preference. It's smooth to the point where it won't snag with one coat of Seche Vite. Swatches show three coats with one coat of Seche Vite.

Different Dimension - Lady Tremaine (Mystery Villain #2)
Different Dimension - Lady Tremaine (Mystery Villain #2)
If you didn't snag Lady Tremaine while it was available you might be able to pick it up secondhand. It's really very lovely and sparkles like crazy. Mystery Villain #3 will be available this Friday at 9pm EST in the Different Dimension shop.

Other Mystery Villains:
Mystery Villain #3
Mystery Villain #4 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Octopus Party Nail Lacquer: Summer 2015 Collection

Hello! Today I have five of the eight polishes (to my greatest dismay I overslept and missed some during the restock) from the summer collection recently released by Dave over at Octopus Party Nail Lacquer. Before we get into that though I want to say what a sweetheart Dave is and that all of his polish is ah-maz-ing. If you aren't on the OPNL train you need to hop on it STAT. 

Prism Sentence, Bermuda High, Aruba Wakening, Piece of Caicos, Krait and Barrel

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Comparison Post: Happily Ever After vs. Ultraviolet

Hello darlings! Today I have a comparison swatch for you... Vapid Lacquer Happily Ever After vs. Different Dimension Ultraviolet. A good friend of mine bought me Happily Ever After a while ago and I recently picked up Ultraviolet from Different Dimension. As you can see from the bottle shots they look quite similar.

Different Dimension - Ultraviolet & Vapid Lacquer - Happily Ever After

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Starting Fresh

Hello all! It's been quite some time... okay, a really long time, since I've done anything with this. I update my Instagram on a semi-regular basis, but I've seriously let this blog go. At this point I don't think I had many followers so it hasn't been a great loss, I'm sure. lol

My plan is to change that though. Start swatching on a more regular basis and making sure I update here with reviews on the polishes as well. I've given the blog a whole new look in honor of this fresh start, so be on the look out for things to come!

On that note, I will leave you with a mani I did recently. The base is A England Fonteyn with ILNP multichrome flakies (Supernova, Cold Fusion, Metropolis, and Gaia) sponged on top. I think it turned out quite lovely and the photo doesn't do the color shift justice.

L-R: Supernova, Cold Fusion, Metropolis, Gaia